1. Call for Papers: BIICL-SLS International Law Section Workshop. The British Institute of International & Comparative Law and the International Law section of the Society of Legal Scholars are hosting a one-day hybrid workshop taking place in central London on 26 March 2025 under the title ‘Soft Law in International Law’. The organizers, Dr Jean-Pierre […]
New Issue European Human Rights Law Review
The European Human Rights Law Review just published a new issue (Issue 5, 2024). The issue contains one editorial, three research articles, seven case comments and one publication review. The articles focus on the topics of the recognition of a right to family reunification under Article 8 ECHR, the conceptualisation of forced marriage and the […]
Judicial Infringements at the Court of Justice – A brief comment on the phenomenal Commission/France (C-416/17)
One of the fascinating features of EU law is that no matter how well established its classics may be, they are revisited over and over again. If you thought you had seen it all about preliminary references, think twice. Always think twice, because you can never be fully sure until the Court’s next judgment. Last […]
Belgium Assumes the Presidency of the Council
As of 1 January 2024, Belgium commenced its six-month tenure as the rotating president of the Council of the European Union, adopting the theme “Protect, Strengthen, Prepare.” The Belgian presidency, which succeeds Spain and precedes Hungary faces a packed agenda and will be cut short by the imminent European Parliament elections scheduled for 6-9 June. […]
Trusted Flagger als Gefahr für die Meinungsfreiheit – Verfassungsblog
Eine Replik auf Hannah Ruschemeier Hannah Ruschemeier hat hier in einem Beitrag vom 4.11.2024 ein positives Bild der sogenannten Trusted Flagger gezeichnet. Sie würden durch ihre Tätigkeit als Meldestellen für illegale Netzinhalte einen Beitrag zur „Demokratiehygiene“ leisten. Über die eigentlichen rechtsstaatlichen und grundrechtlichen Probleme geht der Beitrag hingegen großzügig hinweg. In der konkreten Umsetzung des […]
On rebalancing powers in the digital ecosystem in recent CJEU case law (or on the battle between David and Goliath) – Official Blog of UNIO
Alessandra Silveira (Editor of this official blog, Academic Coordinator of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Digital Citizenship & Technological Sustainability” – CitDig, Erasmus+) ▪ There is no doubt that European Union (EU) law is committed to a certain rebalancing of powers in the digital ecosystem. And why is that? Because today there is a clear […]
The EU Court of Justice’s judgment in Intel II and its implications for the draft Guidelines
Ever since the adoption in February 2009 of the European Commission’s Guidance Paper on its enforcement priorities in applying Article 102 (then 82) and in May 2009 of its decision in the Intel case, the correct analytical framework for rebates granted by dominant undertakings has been the subject of significant debate. The Commission sought to […]
Journal Highlights: European Review of Private Law, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2020
We wanted to draw your attention to some interesting articles about the topics of the Regulating for Globalization blog that appeared in the European Review of Private Law, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2020, edited by André Janssen and Matthias E. Storme. Kahraman Altun, Ll.M. (Edinburgh), Anti-Suit Injunctions in European Transnational Litigation: Past, Present and […]
A ‘Cracking Deal’ for the Union?
Ten days before the UK is supposed to withdraw from the EU, Westminster has not yet approved the terms of such withdrawal. Broadly speaking, those concern the protection of the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens’ living in the EU; the financial settlement; the terms of the transition; and ensuring […]
Afschaffen van verblijfsvergunning asiel voor onbepaalde tijd is symboolwetgeving
Het kabinet wil de asielvergunning voor onbepaalde tijd afschaffen vanwege ‘het strengste asielbeleid ooit’. Maar door EU-recht blijft er de mogelijkheid om permanent verblijf te krijgen dat niet afhankelijk is van de veiligheid in het land van herkomst. Dat maakt afschaffing grotendeels symbolisch. Met het afschaffen van deze permanente vergunning in het regeerprogramma lijkt de […]