Print this article POST 22 OF THE SERIES OF THE ODYSSEUS BLOG ON THE PACT ON MIGRATION & ASYLUM By Boldizsár Nagy, Professor Emeritus at the Department of International Relations, Central European University Long gestation, piecemeal changes It took almost eight years (2016-2024) to adopt the text of the Qualification regulation (Regulation (EU) 2024/1347 of […]
ESIL Newsletter – Autumn 2024 – European Society of International Law
Editors: Helmut Aust (Freie Universität Berlin) and Ana Salinas (Universidad de Málaga) 1. Message of the President Dear ESIL members, With our successful Vilnius conference now behind us, the academic year is in full swing and most of us are likely settling into a new teaching semester, welcoming new cohorts of students. Autumn is a […]
Representation of Afghanistan before the International Court of Justice – EJIL: Talk!
Introduction On 25 September 2024, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly High-level meeting, Canada, Australia, Germany and the Netherlands announced that they would take formal steps against Afghanistan for numerous violations by the Taliban of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The next day, 22 […]
New Thematic Factsheet on Rights of Persons With Disabilities
The Council of Europe’s Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights has just issued a new thematic factsheet on how judgments of the Court have helped to protect and advance the rights of persons with disabilities in many countries. Here is a brief description: ‘The Council of Europe promotes, […]
Sharpening the Teeth of EU Social Fundamental Rights: A Comment on Bauer
Tuesday was a big day in Luxembourg. The Court of Justice rendered what is probably the most important set of judgments on fundamental rights in a long time. Since the days of Akerberg Fransson, Digital Rights, Melloni, etc…, the Grand Chamber had not delivered such a principled decision on the thorny issue of fundamental rights, […]
Client Alert: First CBAM Quarterly Reporting Period
Summary On 1 October 2023, the European Union’s (EU) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) entered into the transitional phase, with the first reporting period covering carbon-intense goods imported during the period 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023, ending on 31 January 2024. CBAM reporting declarants, businesses active in the cement, fertiliser, iron & steel, […]
Limiting ‘Security’ as a Justification in the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion – Verfassungsblog
Security as both a legal and political concept allows the limitation and sometimes even derogation from legal rules; these departures are not absolute and have parameters. Yet, States often invoke security to justify disproportionate and outright illegal acts, which is aided by the fact that the precise contours of what is considered a legitimate security […]
the Puigdemont case and the dialogue between courts – Official Blog of UNIO
Teresa Freixes (President of Citizens pro Europe and Jean Monnet Professor ad personam) ▪ In recent weeks, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has handed down judgments that shatter the assertion, so dear to some, that law cannot constrain policy. I am referring, essentially, to those that have considered the EU’s agricultural […]
The Vodafone/Three merger: the CMA seems inclined towards a gruelling remedy, but it’s not yet a done deal
The CMA never clears a merger on the basis of behavioural remedies. Such remedies do not deal with the source of the competition problem, they are susceptible to circumvention, they distort markets, and they are difficult to monitor. Everyone knows that. The CMA was so wedded to this principle that it was willing to die […]
EU and China around the Same Table: The New Agreement on Geographical Indications
Introduction The European Union (EU) and China signed a bilateral agreement for the reciprocal protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) against usurpation and imitation. The agreement strengths the EU-China trading relationship and reinforce the EU (sui generis) approach on GIs in the global market. It took around eight years of negotiations, but in the end, it […]