AG Campos Sánchez-Bordona elaborated today on the notion of a producer under the Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374) in the case Ford Italia (C-157/23). A consumer in this case purchased a Ford Mondeo car from Stracciari, Ford’s dealer in Italy. The car itself was manufactured by Ford WAG, a German company, which used another company, […]
A Dutch Merricks? Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on fundamentals of class actions in TPC v Oracle and Salesforce
Class actions in which damages can be awarded on a collective basis are still a relatively new phenomenon in Europe, with the UK, Portuguese and Dutch opt-out collective action regimes seen as frontrunners. It has dawned on policymakers and lawyers alike that damages can be suffered across a broad and disparate group of victims, which […]
A Legal Perspective on the Term “Lethal” – EJIL: Talk!
The deliberations of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) underscore the critical importance of legally defining or characterising the term “lethal” in the context of autonomous weapon systems (AWS). The Report of the Secretary General on LAWS stated that some “States considered the […]
on the pre-contractual duty to analyse the consumer’s creditworthiness when granting credit – Official Blog of UNIO
Mariana Marques (Master’s student in European Union Law at the School of Law of the University of Minho) ▪ Introduction In practice, financial institutions often grant credit without analysing the consumer’s creditworthiness. In most cases, credit is granted without analysing any variant that could compromise the borrowers’ financial capacity – and this is particularly prevalent […]
New Issue ECHR Law Review
The second issue of the year of the ECHR Law Review has just been published (Vol. 5, issue 2). The issue contains one editorial, three guest editorials, two research articles and four book reviews. The guest editorials are devoted to the relationship between the ECHR and the ICCPR and the ECtHR and the United Nations Human […]
Effective Pricing in Spectrum Auction Design: Optimal Auctions out of Thin Air
The promise of 5G Fifth-generation wireless systems – commonly known as 5G – are a big leap forward for mobile communications. The innovations connected to 5G could be worth around $13.2 trillion over the next 15 years for the industry and public sector. By 2025, deploying the new technology could generate €213 billion in revenue […]
How Many Applicants Can Fit in Article 263? Presentation and Criticism of the CJEU’s Venezuela v. Council Judgment (Part A)
Manolis Perakis Assistant Professor of EU Law, Law School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece In the context of promoting the rule of law as a fundamental value that must govern the action of the Union and its Member States, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment on appeal […]
Do crises affect enforcement of EU Law? – EU Law Enforcement
In 2018, EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker stated that the EU “had been sleepwalking from one crisis to another without waking up.” These crises have no doubt had a range of detrimental effects on the EU, and I argue that crises make it harder for the Commission to enforce EU law. Why? Crises require resources, […]
The UK can build a data-secure digital future
Citizens’ rights over their personal data have become a focal point of the ongoing WTO e-commerce negotiations. What is the role of privacy in the digital economy, ask Serena Cesareo and Stella Canessa? They argue that the UK has the potential to lead a data-secure digital future. 60 per cent of the world population is connected to the internet […]
Solving cold cases: Should the Netherlands use American genetic genealogy databases?
The discussion on the use of investigative forensic genetic genealogy (iFGG) to solve Dutch cold cases is back on the table following a news report that weighed up the new Dutch government’s stance with views of several critics. But there’s more to this debate. For the basic principles of iFGG, see my previous blog. Dutch […]